Both opponents are armed with swords, so the price of each mistake is very high. The uke approaches and is about to execute a chopping blow from above. Tori acts proactively – he retreats the left foot to the side and makes a sword swing diagonally (left to right). In this case, Tory uses a dynamic defense that combines impact and movement. All movements are carried out accurately, with the minimum expenses of energy.
Tory imprisons the hand with the sword, and continues the movement and performs the loop over the head, thus leaving the swing to strike from above. The uke, the more unimpeded, completes the shot.
Tori leaves the line of attack to the left, completing the step. It is important to remember about the right leg – if it is not tightened, the blow of uke can injure it. In addition, Tory performs a sharp turn of the hips and strikes the neck of the uke. Hip rotation allows you to give an additional impetus to the impact.
Tori needs to stop the strike clearly on the neck of the uke. Then, simulating the cutting action, tori retreats with your right foot step back, bringing the sword hands on the uke. From this position you can do like cutting action on the hands and perform a tsuki to the stomach.
Next, Tory performs a weak but sharp blow with the butt of his sword on the butt of the uke sword. This will allow you to swing the sword from himself to the side. This movement is performed due to the active work of the brushes. It is very important to remove the left leg as it is on the trajectory of the sword, uke. The left leg is pulled close to the right.
The uke instantly assesses the situation and raises the sword for another swing. This is the most correct choice for the uke, as it does not expend a lot of energy to stop the sword, but only strengthens the movement in the direction of the tories. In addition, uke takes a step back, breaking distance.
But Tory had foreseen such a scenario. So he takes a step with the left foot forward and performs a short punch on the palm of uke. Strike stops exactly on the wrist of uke, showing the peaceful attitude of the tories.
Tori then retreats a step back, causing the uke to strike.
Uke instantly deals a powerful blow from above. Tori synchronously with the punch, retreats to the left and in an arc lowers the sword on the neck of the uke. In this situation, the uke can no longer adjust the direction of impact. Even if the uke manages to change the direction of the strike, his right hand will hit the Tory sword before the uke sword
Uke decides to surrender and drops his sword. Tori moves to step back, but continues to control the sword of a possible attack of uke.
See also:
Lesson 43 Shoman teach Ikke Ken tai Jo
Lesson 44 ay Hanmi katate Tory nick with a sword
When practicing the technique is always important to remember about safety, so follow the techniques at home very slowly and carefully. To learn more and learn effective martial art come to the school "Ten-Chi", located at St. Petersburg, Polikarpov alley, 1, tel. +7 (911) 926-96-24. We will be glad to see you among our students. School "Ten-Chi".