In order to effectively perform this technique, it is necessary to accurately assess the intentions of the enemy, to understand how it will operate. In addition, it is very important to work properly with the body.
Capture the enemy's hands. The capture needs to be performed quickly and accurately. The enemy will to resist and hinder You, so you can run a few "relaxing" blows to the body.
After executing the seizure is necessary to reach the impact of pain on the hand of the opponent. To do this, you need to step with your right foot to the side, at the same time begin to rotate your hand counterclockwise. You should be sideways and with your back to the enemy, so that in the future it would be convenient to execute painful reception.
It is necessary to tighten the opponent's hand until you touch your right hand on the left thigh. Instructors of our school recommend this maximum twist, as it significantly increases the efficiency of admission.
After You make the twisted hand of the opponent, lock it behind him and still left hand. Then start turning around on your left foot. It is very important to use the full body strength to perform the twisting, as the strength of one hand may not be enough. Twisting must be performed as long as the enemy does not fall to the floor.
Teaching this technique, the instructors of the school "Ten-Chi" recommend to pay attention to some aspects of the reception, which will allow you to perform it with maximum efficiency:
-reception is performed with the whole body, not just the strength of one hand;
-you can perform several "relaxing" strikes to facilitate the release of the wrist grip of the enemy;
-always observe the maximum tightening body;
-throughout the reception of the seizure should not be reduced. You can connect the left immediately, which will increase the capture force.
See also:
The first lady of Japan and naginatajutsu
Lesson 23 Encaje
When practicing the technique is always important to remember about safety, so follow the techniques at home very slowly and carefully. To learn more and learn effective martial art come to the school "Ten-Chi", located at St. Petersburg, Polikarpov alley, 1, tel. +7 (911) 926-96-24. We will be glad to see you among our students. School "Ten-Chi".