Painful techniques are one of the most interesting aspects of Aikido. They allow you to win the fight, spending the minimum amount of effort. There are two types of pain techniques – when the reception is performed in the direction of the natural bend of the joint and in the direction against the natural bend. The technique we will discuss in this paper is of gyaku type, i.e. it is performed against the natural bend of the elbow.
Both partners begin sparring sitting-this is the most traditional and beautiful pose for the fight, revealing all the skills of uke and tori. The fight begins with the fact that the uke performs the capture of the kimono collar, tori. Tori performs a turn of the body in the direction of capture, thereby weakening the capture of uke. Simultaneously with the turn tori strikes several blows in the face of uke. After relaxing strokes, the capture brush uke.
For effective performance of reception it is necessary to take a strong position. This can be done by rotating the body almost 180 degrees from the original position. This reversal allows you to straighten your hand and fix uke elbow. Instructors of our school note that when performing a turn, it is important not to stop the pressure on the uke brush.
Being in this position, tori almost won the fight, because the hand uke is under constant pressure and close to a fracture. Next tori pushes uke forward and knocks him on the tatami. In the final phase of reception, the uke brush should be fixed on the tori chest and the elbow should be straightened and under constant pressure.
Instructors of our school distinguish several points that are worth paying attention to when performing this technique:
- brush grip needs to be confident and constantly create uke discomfort;
- it is necessary to work with the whole body, not only with your hands;
- hands and body should work synchronously;
- in the final phase tori can move a bit, because it should be comfortable to hold the hand uke.
See also:
Lesson 11 Shomen-irimi-nage
Learning to be healthy and strong is never too early
When practicing the technique is always important to remember about safety, so follow the techniques at home very slowly and carefully. To learn more and learn effective martial art come to the school "Ten-Chi", located at St. Petersburg, Polikarpov alley, 1, tel. +7 (911) 926-96-24. We will be glad to see you among our students. School "Ten-Chi".
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