Physical exercise in the prenatal period has always been a contentious issue for many years. In the past, standard medical practice was any prohibitions on sports or vigorous exercise during the entire pregnancy. However, in recent years, pre-load was recognized as an auxiliary means for weight control, decrease muscular-skeletal pain, and accelerate postpartum recovery. As a prenatal exercise program the most frequently recommended include stretching your back muscles and strengthen the muscles in abdomen.
Aikido during pregnancy – what to take control?
while Aikido no doubt meets many of these requirements, there are some serious problems with Aikido practice during pregnancy.
In the first place, one of these problems associated with the technique, ukemi. No matter how well you perform this technique, the ultimate power fall will depend on the body mass and acceleration when falling. This fall can be traumatic and should be somewhat safe way. It is usually not a problem, but when attacked pregnant, even a small part of this traumatic forces can cause a shock in fetus, which can lead to miscarriage, especially during the first pregnancy and in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the likelihood of miscarriage increases. In the first trimester all kinds of fall and even falling forward and backward, should be strictly be avoided.
in addition, most of the techniques of Aikido consist of the techniques of adhesion that lead to the technique Ukemi (landing in a prone position, face down). A direct fall on the belly, and a further fall to the Mat is not safe in early pregnancy, and to lie in such a position of the body can be it is impossible, due to the increase in the abdominal cavity.
Pregnant women should also beware of techniques such as the Ricky, nick and Sankyo.
One among the many hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy is the increased relaxin - polypeptide hormone that allows you to open the pelvis during childbirth. As the name implies, this hormone relaxes ligaments throughout the body. The relaxation may cause some minor instability of the joint, increasing the likelihood of sprains and strains. Therefore, pregnant women should be especially careful with the techs which can affect these processes.
How to fit a pregnant woman technique nage? Practicing this technique should two considerations here:
first, you need to be cautious, keeping adequate supply of oxygen to the fetus. You need to avoid excessive tension during the lessons, because of the cardiovascular system mother who must support her and her fetus, can not cope with this. Therefore, it is desirable that the expectant mother to limit the magnitude of load, followed pulse, maximum frequency which needs to be up to 140 beats per a minute or less. In addition, it is desirable that the expectant mother, limited intervals of aerobic exercise to fifteen minutes.
second, the growth of the fetus, the center of gravity in a pregnant women shifted, causing a pathological increase of lumbar lordosis posture, typical for the expectant mother. The condition of increased curve of the spine called hyperlordosis, makes a woman in some positions weaker and predisposes it to chronic low back pain. Thus, pregnant women should avoid some movements when performing nage - or, at least, to be very careful when attempts to their accomplishments.
the Rules of Aikido during pregnancy
the General rule during pregnancy in sports (this can be attributed to Aikido) is the fact that a woman taking active participation in sports activities before pregnancy can continue it until the third trimester (of course, given certain precautions). However, if the woman before the pregnancy does not actively practiced loads, and ceased training prior to pregnancy are advised not to start it during pregnancy.
you Also need to take into account the personal characteristics of each organism women, because of the many problems associated with pregnancy can vary. Consult with Your personal physician obstetrician is mandatory.