How to tone the abdominal muscles? How to make the belly flatter? In this collection, we have identified five asanas that work most effectively on this zone, make it more taut and elastic. In the article we list these asanas and describe each of them separately, from the point of view of the mechanics of their implementation.
Cobra pose (Bhujangasana)
This pose strengthens muscles and allows to reduce a fatty layer on a stomach. It also strengthens the upper body and develops the flexibility of the spine.
This asana is performed lying face down on the floor. Order of execution:
Lie face down on the floor. Your palms should lie under your shoulders, your feet should be connected, and your fingers extended.
Lift the body without resting on your hands (they should only support this position and be bent at the elbows).
Take two slow breaths and exhale. Pull back the top of the head and neck, bend in the thoracic region, tighten the buttocks.
2. Bow pose (Dhanurasana)
This posture strengthens the muscles of the cortex. And rocking in this asana allows you to improve digestion and improve metabolism in the body.
The mechanics of the asana:
Lie on your stomach and bend your knees, raising your shins up.
Stretching his arms behind his back, grab the hands the ankle from the outside.
Inhale and bend your pelvis and rib cage to lift from the floor, pushing his head back.
To sustain this asana for a minute. Exhaling slowly (!) to lower the ankle and the body.
3. Boat pose (Naukasana)
Allows you to reduce the waist. It also strengthens the muscles of the legs and back.
The mechanics of the asana:
Lie on your back, straight hands on the sides.
Take a breath, lift your shoulders, arms and legs, keep them straight. Keep your feet and shoulders above the floor for more than 20 cm.
Keep your position.
Return to the starting position and rise to the sitting position.
4. Posture strap (Kumbhakaran)
Strengthens the abdominal muscles, shoulders, hips and arms and back.
The mechanics of the asana:
Place the palms under the shoulders, rest on the knees
Each of the feet lead back, rest your toes on the floor
Stretch in a straight line with the whole body, while pulling the stomach
We are in this asana from 15 to 30 seconds., then relaxing, then straining the body.
5. Wind liberation pose (pavanamuktasana)
This pose is useful for those who suffer from back pain, and also strengthens muscles of a stomach and hips.
The mechanics of the asana:
Lie back and relax;
Extend your arms along your body with your palms down;
Bend your knees, bending them to your buttocks;
Lift your head and shoulders off the floor;
Put your hands on the floor, lift your hips and press your knees to your chest, holding your feet and knees, without lowering your head;
Grab the bent legs with your hands slightly below the knees. When exhaling, press your knees to your chest with bent hands.
Exhale. Lower your head to the floor. Loosen your hand pressure on your feet without loosening your legs.
Take the starting position.
Do you doubt how to perform this or that asana? We invite you to our club "Ten-Chi" for yoga classes!